I totally suck at algebra! I'm not good at any kind of math and I have never been since my horrible teacher in 7
th grade. This past week I have had SO much homework and have spent hours trying to Relearn all the stuff I must have purged from my hard drive (my brain). So far I have not been impressed with the instructor she hasn't used the board or overhead to teach us anything.
On the other hand my other three online classes, psychology, sociology and English started Monday. The first week is the intro week so there aren't any assignments. Hopefully I will get my books sometime this week, they are being shipped to me
from the Ft. Riley campus. I like to read ahead just to get a little jump start so I don't feel totally clueless. Most of my classmates are Army soldiers stationed around the world. They use all the military lingo in our chat rooms so I have to ask Gary to decipher it for me, I swear the Army speaks an entire different language.
I kind of started my new job yesterday at the Red Cross. The Great Bend office is under the Wichita chapter so they are my bosses. Well everyone that knows anything about me starting is 1. having major medical issues, 2. death of father out of state, 3. very ill spouse, so I'm not even showing up on the radar. I figure when they all get back into the office and get my training planned they will let me know, until then I'm enjoying more time off!