Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lovin our little guy!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
First Visit/Respite Care
Yesterday at noon I picked him up from his foster mom's day care center. Before this time I had only met him once on July 31st for a couple of hours while he was still having visits with his bio-mom. When it was time for us to leave he started crying as she put him in my car, actually foster mom got a little misty eyed too. I talked to him and tried to comfort him on the way home and by the time we got to our house he was just softly whimpering. Then as soon as he seen our dogs he just lit up and there hasn't been any crying since. After he checked out our house and got aquaninted with the dogs we went our our first field trip to Wal-Mart to stock up on toddler snacks, buys some toys and find the right kind of sippy cups. (I really had no idea they make forty-thousand different kids of sippy cups) Gary and I had been to Wal-Mart the night before to buy this stuff but without knowing his developmental level we were totally lost and left the store empty handed.
When we got back home from Wal-Mart it was nap time and I had no idea how this was going to go. Although we have been going through the process of becoming foster to adopt parents for months I have refused to convert our spare bedroom into a child's room until we had a license in hand. I guess this way of thinking may have come from all of the disappointments involved in fertility treatments. Anyway, since we received our license last week we have not had time to do anything with the bedroom so we only have a queen size bed. I rocked him for maybe five minutes and he fell asleep and I put him in the big bed with pillows protecting the edge and he slept for three hours. He was the happiest little boy when he woke up considering that he was in a strange bed (he normally sleeps in a crib), strange house with a strange woman.
Later that evening we went to a local pumpkin patch with Shelly a long time friend, her husband Bill and their daughter Reese. It extremely windy (even for Kansas) and chilly so we didn't stay long but we got some really nice pumpkins and had fun. After that we went to meet my family, (mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, nephew & niece) at a restaurant for dinner. I hadn't expected to do so much on the first day for fear that I would totally overload him but in my life nothing ever goes according to plans. He was pretty apprehensive about all of the new people and really clung to me at first. My family is very understanding of his situation and that everyone/everything is new and different for him so they let him lead the way.
When we got home it was bath time and found out he loves taking a bath. He never even flinched when I poured the water on his head to rinse out the shampoo. As I had him bundled up in the towel he kept opening his mouth wide showing me his teeth. I finally figured it out that he is used to having his teeth brushed before pajama time. So all bundled up in his towel I sat on the edge of the tub and he leaned back with his mouth wide open and let me thoroughly brush his teeth.
After getting ready for bed and playing for about 10 minutes he crawled up in the rocking chair with me and fell asleep with me holding him. He slept the entire night from 8:45 p.m. until 8:15 the next morning. I don't know how many times I got up to look in on him but I know he got WAY more rest than I did.
Today we have played, went to Wal-Mart (again) and played with Reese and after nap time we are going to my parents house to help make scarecrows to decorate for fall/Halloween.
He is such an even tempered little boy and is absolutely adorable and I'm already dreading him going home tomorrow night. I don't know what the future has in store for us regarding visitations and transitioning him into our home but I will keep everyone updated.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'm addicted to a podcast
I found a pod cast on i-tunes when I searched for foster parents. Since then I have been addicted and committed to listening to all 60 pod casts. Wendy and Tim have documented their journey from becoming foster parents through the entire process of adopting two little girls. They have been through a lot of rough times but each pod cast is very motivational and they put it in black and white that the process is not easy or painless but the end result is worth every minute of heartache.
Preparing my car for a child

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Foster Care Home Study...we are LICENSED!
We had our foster care home study and passed it with flying colors. I was SO nervous that I was making myself sick worrying about it and trying not clean like a mad woman. I had read and reread the rules and regulations. The lady who did the inspection was very nice and very courteous of our privacy. For some reason I thought she would go through all of our drawers, cabinets, etc. Thank goodness this wasn't the case.
So now we will be able to start having visits with our little guy. After the foster care worker left his foster mom called to congratulate us. I am still unsure how all of this will take place but my wishes are to gradually start having him in our home a little more each time he visits.
We have so much stuff to do to prepare for a toddler to be in our home. Our spare bedroom is fully furnished with adult furniture and is in no way toddler friendly. I use the dressers and closets for my stuff so I'm going to have to find a spot for all of my stuff in the master bedroom, this means Gary is going to have to clean out the walk-in closet for me. Guess this might be a good time to unload a bunch of clothing that I don't wear, time to downsize AGAIN!
We need to purchase car seats and all of the stuff that it takes to have small kids in your home...oh like a plastic cup and plate would be a great place to start. LOL
Sunday, September 13, 2009
LOST: Weight Loss & Exercise Motivation, please return ASAP!
WORKOUT GOAL for next week: Two 30 minute cardio sessions
Last Wednesday and Thursday I was in training for my new job at the American Red Cross in Wichita. I learned a lot but still have tons more to learn and don't think the learned will ever slow down in this job. I will keep updating as I learn more about the position.
My college classes are going well, passing everything...even algebra.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I really don't like waiting

Our foster care paperwork was sent to the state but a couple things were returned, somehow Gary didn't sign his fingerprints and another form was missing a signature, so we have them fixed and back in the mail. Our railings for our porch have been built and are in the process of being painted and will be installed soon. I have been bitching and whining about having to installing a handrail down the 3 stairs to the landing for our side door. Well we installed it last week and I LOVE it. I would have never thought it would be so nice...can't believe we lived without it for this long.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Angels=Braxton & Hayley

My darling Braxton wearing his footed snowmen PJ's in mid August. They were his older brothers so he thought that was really neat. He is my sister's boy.
I suck at algebra
On the other hand my other three online classes, psychology, sociology and English started Monday. The first week is the intro week so there aren't any assignments. Hopefully I will get my books sometime this week, they are being shipped to me from the Ft. Riley campus. I like to read ahead just to get a little jump start so I don't feel totally clueless. Most of my classmates are Army soldiers stationed around the world. They use all the military lingo in our chat rooms so I have to ask Gary to decipher it for me, I swear the Army speaks an entire different language.
I kind of started my new job yesterday at the Red Cross. The Great Bend office is under the Wichita chapter so they are my bosses. Well everyone that knows anything about me starting is 1. having major medical issues, 2. death of father out of state, 3. very ill spouse, so I'm not even showing up on the radar. I figure when they all get back into the office and get my training planned they will let me know, until then I'm enjoying more time off!
Application submitted
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Exciting phone call
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First day back to college
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Changes, changes, changes
Phone call from birth Mom
Friday, July 31, 2009
I got to meet the "Little Guy"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Updating my blog...foster care/adoption here we come!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I feel so much better after detoxing from all of the fertility drugs and we are foster care and adoption. I am concentrating on losing the weight that I have gained while taking the meds for the last seven months.
I still love reading every one's blogs and keeping up with the little ones that are growing like weeds.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Big Fat Negative!!
For those of you have used progesterone support after the IUI. What dose did you take? Is there another option? I have been taking 200 mg three times per day. This stuff makes me in such a horrible mood, irritable, bloated, crampy and I just feel like shit. Oh did I mention the weight gain?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Scared to test
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Wait Continues
On the trying to conceive front in just waiting, and waiting and waiting some more. I'm 11 days past IUI and I'm having major PMS symptoms, bitchiness, sore boobs, cramps and tiredness but AF is not due to show until next week. I have not been sleeping well at all and that is with taking Ambien. Taking the Prometrium three times per day sucks! It's messy and makes me so tired. Can I blame my irritability on the Prometrium? Does it mess with AF showing on her own while taking it?
Friday, January 30, 2009
4 Days past IUI & hate my job
This week has been horrible, my supervisor is the worst person I have ever worked with. She is truly an evil woman who does not respect anyone in the office. She will do whatever it takes to make herself shine to the boss. In my eyes a supervisor should be a mentor and and an advocate for the team. I share an office with 2 other women and it's a central gathering place for all of the sales reps to gather as that is where the file are stored, fax machine, shredder, and mail boxes for all of the district employees. In this office there are three desks and mine is facing a wall with my back to the other two desk and my back is to anyone else who might be in the office. So as you can imagine it is like Grand Central Station all day long. Yesterday the she told me that I'm no longer allowed to turn around to see who is behind me and I'm not allowed to talk to anyone that is in the office. WTF? I work from 6:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and not to talk to anyone all day long is absolute torture. My "super" has worked there three days longer than I have and these have been the longest 11 months of my life. I have learned a valuable life lesson that money does not equal happiness. I'm in search of a new job but with the economy picking are pretty slim. I will keep you updated!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Two awesome books!

Monday, January 26, 2009
Insemination Day
Saturday night I gave myself the HCG injection and this morning I had my sixth insemination with #38. The procedure didn't got nearly as smoothly as the previous IUI's and it was much more uncomfotable, almost painful. I'm having some cramping and spotting but I will survive.
I start the Prometrium tomorrow. I have not idea what to expect taking medication vaginally. I have to continue taking it 3 times per day until AF shows or a negative pregnancy test on February 10th. The two week wait kills me!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Wee little one

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back at it!
Last week I did my first acupuncture treatment and I'm still pretty sceptical. It was painless and quite relaxing but I just wonder if it's worth the money.
I need to check with MWSB to see if there are any #38 samples avalible, if not we will use #44 again.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Stressing Out
- Not being able to use the sperm bank that I have been using therefore having to go through the entire process of selecting another sperm donor. For me this was quite a decision and it took me a few weeks to make up my mind.
- The cost of having to use California Cryobank=DOUBLE what I'm paying each month now.
- Having to go to counseling to be informed about using a sperm donor. I'm very aware of the unique set of circumstances that will be involved with telling our child that his/her dad is not his biological father. I don't' feel that I need a "counselor" to tell me how this situation should be handled when he/she has never been through this process. If Gary and I want to have a child together this is our only option since he has had a vasectomy.
- The cost(triple what I'm paying now) plus the travel time and missed work time to have the insemination's done in Wichita by a NURSE not the doctor!
I'm going to set up an appointment with Dr. Marshall my OB doctor who has been doing the insemination's. I would like to present him with the information and plan that the RE would have me follow and do one month of the same protocol with him instead of the fertility clinic. Dr. Marshall and I had come up with a plan to add 2 days of FSH to the mix that I was using the only difference being what cycle days to do the injections. The RE also adds progesterone to the mix.
One advantage of doing this would be the peace of mind of having the extra time to pick out a sperm donor (if necessary) and set up the counseling appointment without having to sit out another month. Another advantage would be seeing how I respond to the new meds. If I do not respond well then I know I will need to go to the specialist for further treatment.
Getting Healthy in 2009
I know the increased stress of doing fertility treatments does not help my overall well being or my attitude and that has to change. Finding a new job is not a reality with the economic times and good paying jobs with good benefits in our town is not promising even in the best economic times.
Wednesday I have an appointment with a doctor that does acupuncture to get more information on how it can relieve stress and help with infertility. Both my OB and fertility specialist said there are proven benefits to the treatment. My insurance covers 80% of each treatment so I figure it will be worth a try.
I have also signed up for the I Lost It At the Club challenge through my gym. It's a contest among the other participants to lose inches and pounds. The contestants will have access to individual training sessions with the personal trainers and group classes for only those in the contest. I have an appointment tomorrow to be weighed and measured....ouch not so much looking forward to that!
Gary and I also purchased a Aero Pilates Performer. I have seen a lot of stuff on Pilates and have tried a couple videos that were done on the floor but they were really hard so I didn't stick with it. My Mom ordered a Pilates Performer from QVC and the more I got to looking at it the more I think Gary and I can both benefit from it. To me it looks stress relieving and not so hard that your going to dread doing it. It should be here in the next couple of weeks.