A dear friend of mine had her baby girl today. Her name is Paysli Faith and she is the most adorable little thing.
Today was such a special day for me as I got to hold her when she was a couple hours old. Her Mommy gave me a first hand account of the birth experience which I totally appreciated her sharing such intimate details. It's hard to get a true account from a new mom, I always get the love glazed half truth.
Today was such a different experience for me. There was not even one tiny bit of jealousy only pure happiness for Scott and Carin. The birth of their child has renewed my hope and spirit that one day soon I will have a small miracle to hold in my arms.
Aww, Congrats to your friend on her baby girl!!
I strongly believe you will hold your own baby soon.
The fact that you could sit and hold that baby and not have an ounce of jealousy/why me kind of thoughts just proves what a great mom you will be.
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