Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stressing Out

I am totally stressing myself out on how I should progress with my infertility treatments. These are my dilemmas.
  1. Not being able to use the sperm bank that I have been using therefore having to go through the entire process of selecting another sperm donor. For me this was quite a decision and it took me a few weeks to make up my mind.
  2. The cost of having to use California Cryobank=DOUBLE what I'm paying each month now.
  3. Having to go to counseling to be informed about using a sperm donor. I'm very aware of the unique set of circumstances that will be involved with telling our child that his/her dad is not his biological father. I don't' feel that I need a "counselor" to tell me how this situation should be handled when he/she has never been through this process. If Gary and I want to have a child together this is our only option since he has had a vasectomy.
  4. The cost(triple what I'm paying now) plus the travel time and missed work time to have the insemination's done in Wichita by a NURSE not the doctor!

I'm going to set up an appointment with Dr. Marshall my OB doctor who has been doing the insemination's. I would like to present him with the information and plan that the RE would have me follow and do one month of the same protocol with him instead of the fertility clinic. Dr. Marshall and I had come up with a plan to add 2 days of FSH to the mix that I was using the only difference being what cycle days to do the injections. The RE also adds progesterone to the mix.

One advantage of doing this would be the peace of mind of having the extra time to pick out a sperm donor (if necessary) and set up the counseling appointment without having to sit out another month. Another advantage would be seeing how I respond to the new meds. If I do not respond well then I know I will need to go to the specialist for further treatment.


Rachel said...

I think you are making a good plan. If the RE has come up w/a protocol, there's no reason why your OB can't follow it too, saving you tons of money, travel time and anxiety in the process. Best of luck!
Selecting a donor is a big decison, and it's hard to just up and switch. I think it's really cruel of a clinic to force you to make that switch just because they don't 'work with' a particular sperm bank.

Jess said...

I agree with Rachel! I hate when fertility clinics try to get women to swtich to California Cryo or Fairfax. I dont get why they cant choose the one they want.

anyway, it sounds like you have a great OB and you have a great plan setup!

Rachel said...

Hi there, just want to let all my followers know that I've blog is at