Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have been missing in action for a long time! After my last BFN on my day three ultrasound I found out that I had a very large ovarian cyst that has to go away before we can try again. I was so emotionally and physically exhausted that I totally quit going to any TTC websites.

I feel so much better after detoxing from all of the fertility drugs and we are foster care and adoption. I am concentrating on losing the weight that I have gained while taking the meds for the last seven months.

I still love reading every one's blogs and keeping up with the little ones that are growing like weeds.


Rachel said...

I have been wondering where you disappeared to!
Best of luck with the foster care/adoption process. I hope it all goes smoothly for you!

Jess said...

We have really missed you!!! I was wonderful what happened to you as well. Sorry about the cyst!

Good Luck with the foster care/ adpotion!