Thursday, August 13, 2009

Phone call from birth Mom

Today I got a phone call from CM (Little Man's biomom). She just wanted to update me that she did relinquish her rights on Tuesday. She broke down and told me that she did everything she could do to be his Mom but she just couldn't give him a good life and she knows that we can. This just about broke my heart.

She once again asked me about changing his name and I told her more than likely we would change it. I asked her what she thought about it and she doesn't care if his first name is changed (same name as biodad first name) but she would like to keep his middle name part of his name as she named him after a family member who passed away. She did ask what we planned on changing it to and I told her and she liked it. I explained that it is the baby boy name I have had picked out since I was in high school.

She told me that her "goodbye visit" will be Monday. I told her not to look at it as her last visit, it's only going to be goodbye for awhile because we will allow her to have supervised visits when he comes to our home.

She asked me if I wanted his belonging from her house, bed, high chair, baby gate, toys, etc. I told her I would love to have his stuff, I'm sure it would be comforting for him to.


Jess said...

Awww that's so sad!

Barry and Amy said...

Wow. I'm so glad you are being so kind and working with her!