Friday, February 6, 2009

The Wait Continues

I'm so excited! Today I got a job interview for a position as a workforce services specialist for the state. It entails working with businesses requiring employment assistance, staffing job fairs, administering testing and assessments and screening applications for area businesses. Before taking the position that I have now in the oilfield chemical sales industry I worked as a case manager for individuals with mental retardation and and developmental disabilities. I really liked my position but the pay and benefits were poor with no room for advancement so I thought moving on to a corporate job was the answer. I think the position that I'm interviewing for will be better suited to my need to interact with people and make a difference in someones life. The interview is Friday the's going to be my lucky day!

On the trying to conceive front in just waiting, and waiting and waiting some more. I'm 11 days past IUI and I'm having major PMS symptoms, bitchiness, sore boobs, cramps and tiredness but AF is not due to show until next week. I have not been sleeping well at all and that is with taking Ambien. Taking the Prometrium three times per day sucks! It's messy and makes me so tired. Can I blame my irritability on the Prometrium? Does it mess with AF showing on her own while taking it?


Rachel said...

Prometrium definitely delays AF. My OB put me on it for that reason, because my cycles were only 21 days. I was told to take it for 2 weeks after IUI, take a test, and if it was a BFN, stop the prometrium so AF would come.

Cool on the job interview, especially in this economy! Hope it goes well for you!

tireegal68 said...

Good luck on the job interview. I will keep my fingers crossed for you! SOunds like a great job.
I have my app. with the new clinic on the 13th - hope it is lucky for both of us!