Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cycle 5 Day 14 Insemination Day

Today we did our 5th cycle of donor sperm intrauterine insemination. Out of the five times that I have done IUI's 4 of them have been on a weekend. The doctors office has been wonderful about coming in on the weekends. Today a nurse wasn't avalible so Gary went with me and chaparoned. He was SO nervous to be in the room with me and being hungover really didn't help the situation at all. LOL With this cycle falling over the holidays the ultrasound tech was not avaliable on Friday so I really don't know how many follies matured.

We are already making plans for the next cycle. Dr. Marshall has agreed to let me do a minimal stimulation protocol. That means I will take Femara for five days 3-7 and then do 2 injections of Repronex on days 7 and 9. Repronex is one of the drugs women use when they have a litter of babies! That is the reason I will only be using the minimum dose for 2 days. There will be more ultrasounds than normal...oh yeah, me and dildo cam are becoming good buddies! :)

Tomorrow I will start my battle with the insurance company. I have called three different times and have gotten three different answers. The doctor told me today he is willing to work with me and order the medication and then submit it to my insurance company if my Rx card will not cover the meds.

For two days of medication it is $330 and that is the minium dose. Most people who use this drug take six doses per day for 12 days for a total of $5976 and 72 shots for one month! OMG, I pray that I NEVER have to do that many shots.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Kim, any follicle 18mm and bigger are mature. You actually had 4 mature follicle at your last Wednesday ultrasound and I really think your RE should have given you the HCG shot then. Your follicles were probably overly mature by the time you ovulated. Since that grow about 2mm a day until they ovulate. Most RE's give you the shot once the follicle is 18mm.