Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cycle 5 Day 3

I have been doing some research on adding FSH injectables to my Femara cycle. I found a protocol that was Femara cycle days 3-7 and 2 amps of FSH on cycle days 9 & 11. At first Dr. Marshal my OBGYN was not responsive and said in the past he has used FSH but no longer uses it in his practice. After talking to him more and showing what I had printed off the web and had sone a lot of research he said he would consider it if I could find some additional information. After doing more research I have decided to do 2 more cycles of Femara and then make an appointment to see the reproductive endocrinologist in Wichita if I have not conceived. I have done 2 unmediated cycles using donor sperm and 2 cycles using 2.5 mg Femara with donor sperm. This cycle I'm using 5.0 mg of Femara to see if it will increase the number of follicles. While doing research I found statics of using 2.5 vs. 5.0 mg of Femara. With 2.5 mg you have a 1.2% chance of twins and a 38% chance using 5.0 mg. At this point I would LOVE to have twins and be done with the entire infertility phase of my life. My Dad is a twin and my Mom's Dad is a twin so I would love to follow family tradition. You would think with that family history and add in fertility drugs I would have a chance at ONE baby.

It just amazes me that women who have had a child have absolutely no idea how babies are made and what a complex process it is to actually conceive. The other day someone who has a child made the comment that since I am taking fertility medication and using donor sperm that I should just use all of the sperm and eggs at the same time and just make lots of babies. Hummm.....I guess people just assume that when your doing "infertility treatments" that you are doing In-Vitro Fertilization & can pick and choose how many eggs you want to fertilize.

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